
The Adventure

Men were designed by God to live passionate purposeful lives. We believe this will occur if a man forms two foundational relationships: A deep intimate relationship with God and committed relationships with other men on the same adventure. To help men become fully alive as God intended, our P1 staff, volunteers and Board are devoted to helping men develop these two key relationships.  To achieve this goal we will empower men to:


 Find Their Heart

When a man gets to know God deeply he soon realizes he has a role to play In this world. He has a clarity of purpose. He is part of a larger story of God restoring humanity. He is part of a battle for the hearts of others. We enable men to find their hearts so they can flourish and thrive. 


Break Their Chains

Living this adventurous life is not easy. Fighting against this vision of hope are the forces that bind men: workaholism; sexual addictions; broken relationships; wounds of abandonment; anger; alcohol abuse; apathy; etc. If we can get a man into a deep relationship with God and a relationship with a committed group of men, he can break the chains that hold him back from living the adventurous life God longs for him.


Bless Their World

Our ultimate goal is for a man to take on the character of Christ. As he is transformed, he becomes an extraordinary blessing to  his marriage, his family, his church and his community. This is where life becomes the exciting adventure it was meant to be. Fully alive. Flourishing. Vibrant. Impact players!

Local Area

Each P1 Area is unified around our mission, while being locally tailored by the leadership of each Area Director and Core Team. Visit each area's website to explore the remarkable and diverse ways God is working through our P1 staff.