8-week traning
Starts Sept 20, 2025
Sign up Open August 9 th
what's the structure?
Deep Roots is an 8-week training program designed to challenge men to develop deeper spiritual, physical, and relational roots in their lives. There are two sessions of Deep Roots each year, one in the fall and one in the winter. New content is developed for each session.
Each man in Deep Roots is part of a team of 3 to 4 men. Men establish their own teams by inviting 2 or 3 men in their sphere of influence to join them. These teams are the heart of Deep Roots and the place where God provides the greatest encouragement and transformation.
The three main components of each Deep Roots session:
There are two large group gatherings. There are kickoff and finish line meetings for all men living in the area.
The Kickoff Meeting is the starting point. This is when men receive the information and inspiration they need to begin the upcoming session.
The Finish Line Meeting is a time for celebration and awards.
Men living out of the area can host their own large group gatherings or can view the highlight videos provided after these events.
There are weekly missions. These missions consist of spiritual, physical, and relational challenges that each man does on his own time throughout the week. Men can plan on investing 4 to 5 hours per week completing the missions. If a man already spends time reading and exercising during the week, then some of this time will already be accounted for. You may think that you don't have time to do this, but we contend that you don't have time NOT to do this. The weekly challenges are designed to help you establish the basic spiritual, physical, and relational rhythms you need in your life to thrive and flourish. We recommend that you get up 30 minutes earlier every day to work on the weekly missions. We also understand that men won't be able to complete every aspect of every mission every week. That's okay. The point is not perfection, it's progress. The goal is to become a little better every session of Deep Roots. After a few sessions, you'll be suprised at how much closer you are to becoming the man God created you to be.
There are weekly team meetings. Each team schedules the time that is best for them to meet each week. Teams meet for an hour and can meet in person or online. They discuss the weekly missions and encourage one another as they strive to become the men God created them to be.
Sample of a Weekly Mission Overview:
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Who can Get INVOLVEd
Deep Roots is designed so that it can be utilized by individuals, men’s groups, and churches in the area or out of the area. All aspects of the program are accessible online and through the Mission Guide, for each session. Brennen Sullivan, the Area Director in the Lehigh Valley, will help you smoothly implement the program if you are out of the area.
Men can sign up individually or on teams of 3 to 4. It is strongly encouraged that men recruit other men to join them and create their own teams of 3 to 4. However, men can sign up individually and be placed on a team if they prefer. There are no guarantees regarding the quality of your team if you choose to be placed on a team.
Men who are already meeting as a small group or are involved in a men’s ministry can join together and break up into teams of 3-5. If your group meets a certain night of the week already, you can continue to meet at that same time for the weekly meetings. Deep Roots will be very easy for you to utilize.
Churches can use Deep Roots as a discipleship program for the men in their churches. They can recruit men and have them sign up as one group affiliated with their church. The men from each church will be placed on teams with men from their church. If the church is in the area, the church can decide whether their teams join our large group gatherings or whether they want to host their own large group gatherings. If the church is out of the area, they are encouraged to host the three large group gatherings (kickoff and finish line). Brennen Sullivan, the Area Director running the program, will be happy to help you organize these events.
Puts skin in the game. It also covers the cost of the large events and awards. Scholarships are available. Contact bsullivan@priorityone.org
It will take approximately 45 minutes per day. However, several of the challenges may already be part of your daily routine if you exercise regularly or have time set aside each day to read, etc.
That's why you need Deep Roots. We are all busy. We don’t find time for what’s most important. We make time. We will help you learn how to do this. We recommend you get up a half hour earlier, utilize your lunch hour, or prioritize your time better. No one drifts into excellence.
Yes. Deep Roots is designed to accommodate our mobile culture. Everything you need is accessible in your Mission Guide or online. You can schedule your weekly meeting for whenever it works best for your TEAM. We encourage meeting in person, but Zoom calls also work well.
Yes. The physical requirements will be done at your own pace. No crazy drill instructors! You will be surrounded by encouraging brothers.
The TEAM is the centerpiece and driving force of Deep Roots. We play better on a team, and we need a band of brothers to walk with in this life.
Absolutely! This is strongly encouraged. Find 2-3 guys you want to do this with and sign up together. Or sign up as an individual and we will assign you to a TEAM. Be aware that we can't guarantee the quality of your team if you choose to be assigned to a team. However, many men have had a great experience who have signed up solo.
Yes. This is ideal for your small group and will take it to a deeper level. Divide your men into groups of 3 to 4 to form TEAMS.
Absolutely. This is a great way for a church to disciple their men without having to reinvent the wheel! A church can promote Deep Roots and have their men sign up directly with P1. There is a section for men to enter their church name and be put on TEAMS with other men from their church.
There is a direct correlation between the mind, spirit, and body. A healthy body contributes to a healthy mind and spirit and is part of God’s design to flourish.

It is not what a man does that is of final importance, but what he is in what he does. The atmosphere produced by a man, much more than his activities, has the lasting influence.
— Oswald Chambers —
God gave Dave Dyson, the Executive Director of P1, a desire to develop a training program that would challenge men to fight to become more like Jesus. In February of 2022, Dave recruited 14 leaders from 11 different churches in the area to help him create this training. Deep Roots is the result of their efforts. Brennen Sullivan, the Area Director for P1 in the Lehigh Valley, joined the Deep Roots leadership team right before the first session and has since taken over primary leadership. The first session of Deep Roots launched in the Fall of 2022, with 88 men accepting the challenge. Momentum continues to build as 350 men have participated in Deep Roots I, II, III, and IV.
“I had only been a Christian maybe 6 months when deep roots started, and I knew I needed iron to sharpen iron. Having these brothers to pursue Christ with has been the blessing I needed.”
“My physical and mental energy levels are up. My faith is renewed. The relationship with my wife of 45 years has greatly improved. It’s so wonderful to be around men who are working to improve.”
“Deep Roots helped me realize that I do have time to work on being a better husband, father, and friend.”
"Deep Roots has challenged and encouraged me in the journey to reach the spiritual and life goals that I have deeply desired, but previously remained beyond my grasp."