
John Heemer

Fun Facts

GO TO SCRIPTURE VERSES: Proverb 16:9, Ephesians 1:18-23, Romans 10:8-10, Jeremiah 29:11-13 (ask me next week and I’ll give you a new list)
HOBBY: Guitar, bicycling, grandchildren
FAVORITE BOOK (OTHER THAN THE BIBLE): Band of Brothers (Ambrose), The Civil War – A Narrative (Foote), Bonhoeffer – Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy (Metaxas), Waking the Dead (Eldredge)
HIDDEN TALENT: Written with invisible digital ink → ”____________________“


I surrendered my heart to Christ on a Young Life weekend in 1976 when Bob McCook, the founder of Priority One, invited me to stand up and “Say so”. I live in Chester Springs, PA, with my wife Jane. We have 4 grown children, 4 grandchildren and 2 old English sheep dogs. In 2016, on my 2nd mission trip to Kenya, I met Algias Kesembile Sitati. Algias, whose occupation was a motorcycle taxi driver, also volunteered with the same mission organization as me. Our initial conversation focused on the brokenness in men, their need for God, and a community that supports them. In the Fall of 2016, I shipped materials to Algias, and he excitedly began the first small group for men. For several years, we prayed, trusting God in a plan not yet revealed to us. In late 2020, God revealed His plan to follow Him in reaching men in Kenya.

God’s hand is clearly on and guiding the work going on in Kenya through Priority One and what has now become - The Herd Men Christian Fellowship. As of May 2024, The Herd Men is a certified NGO in Kenya. In addition to Priority One, they have partnered with Steve Sonderman and No Regrets Men’s Ministry. No Regrets has provided free access to their annual event held the first Saturday of February and their 9-book No Regrets Study Series.  We have been permitted to translate the book series into Swahili. Book 1 – “Becoming a Fully Devoted Follower of Christ” has been translated and is being distributed to 18 men’s smalls in Kenya and three in Tanzania approximately 150 men. God is on the move!


Civil and WW II history, leadership, vacationing in Maine, traveling to Kenya.