Area Director
Jonathan (“Murf”) Murfee
Fun Facts
GO TO SCRIPTURE VERSES: Zephaniah 3:17; Isaiah 30:15; Luke 15:20; Galatians 5:1
HOBBY: Anything but fixing things around the house
FIRST CAR YOU OWNED: ‘85 Pontiac Stationwagon
FAVORITE BOOK (OTHER THAN THE BIBLE): Abba’s Child; In the Name of Jesus; Life Together; The Carolina Way; Prodigal God.
HIDDEN TALENT: Storytelling
Jonathan Murfee (“Murf”) has spent most of his life in Winston-Salem, NC, which he deems the Capital of the Universe. He met the Lord in high school through Young Life and began dating his future bride Allison before graduating from UNC-Chapel Hill (Go Heels!). The same week Allison and Murf were married they went on the Young Life staff in the Durham/Chapel Hill area. After serving there and later in Southern Pines/Pinehurst, the Murfee’s felt called back home to lead Young Life in Winston-Salem. In early 2016, Murf realized his new calling to work with young men and joined the Priority One team. He is passionate about folks meeting and walking deeply with Jesus and loves spending time with guys in small groups and one on one. Impacting the Winston area is a huge privilege for Murf. The Murfee’s have four children: Jac, Caroline, Hunt and Sam. They are a handful - and they are awesome.
Hiking and backpacking; Playing with family outside; All things Carolina athletics; Coaching kids’ basketball teams; Roadtrips with family; Traveling with Al